한국연구재단 (과학기술정보통신부)
기본연구 / 연구책임
2020-06-01 ~ 2021-05-31
유비퀴틴 부족 신경줄기세포의 비정상적인 분화 과정에서 리포칼린-2의 역할 규명
대표 성과물
4. Free ubiquitin: a novel therapeutic target for neurodegenerative diseases
Chul-Woo Park, Kwon-Yul Ryu
3. Polyubiquitin gene Ubb is required for upregulation of Piwi protein level during mouse testis development
Bitnara Han, Byung-Kwon Jung, So-Hyun Park, Kyu Jin Song, Muhammad Ayaz Anwar, Kwon-Yul Ryu, Kwang Pyo Kim
2. Regulation of polyubiquitin genes to meet cellular ubiquitin requirement
Seung-Woo Han, Byung-Kwon Jung, Kwon-Yul Ryu
1. Simultaneous disruption of both polyubiquitin genes affects proteasome function and decreases cellular proliferation
Chul-Woo Park, Jin-Sil Bae, Kwon-Yul Ryu