유권열 교수
서울시립대 자연과학대학 생명과학과
• Lab : 2-225호
• Lab Tel : 02-6490-5628
• Office : 2-218호
• Office Tel : 02-6490-2674
• E-mail : kyryu@uos.ac.kr
Research Area
- 세포생물학 (Cell Biology)
Research Topics
New paradigm to develop a therapeutic strategy to overcome neurodegenerative diseases
− Modulation of reactive astrocytes to protect neurons
− Early prediction of neurodegeneration based on reactive astrogliosis
− Development of drugs to alter the activation status of astrocytes -
Behaviors and effects of non-biodegradable nanoplastics inside cells
− Assessment of neurotoxicity from inhaled nanoplastics
− Monitoring entry, intracellular movement, and exit of nanoplastics
− Effects intracellular nanoplastics on autophagic and lysosomal machineries -
Role of ubiquitin in maintaining cellular homeostasis against proteotoxic stress
− Effects of ubiquitin deficiency on cellular function and viability
− Sensing mechanism of cellular free ubiquitin levels
− Regulation of ubiquitin pool dynamics and ubiquitin genes to increase available free ubiquitin levels -
In-depth characterization of animal models with ubiquitin deficiency
− Relationship between early-onset reactive astrogliosis and late-onset neurodegeneration
− Application of therapeutic strategy to rescue phenotypes of ubiquitin-deficient mice
− Establishment of animal models to study reactive astrocyte-mediated neurodegeneration
- 1995.09 ~ 2001.06 박사: 오하이오 주립대학교, 생화학프로그램 (Ohio State Biochemistry Program)
- - 학위논문: “Regulatory mechanisms of the sodium iodide symporter”
- 1992.03 ~ 1994.02 석사: 서울대학교, 화학과
- - 학위논문: “Purification and characterization of farnesyl protein transferase from bovine testis”
- 1987.03 ~ 1992.02 학사: 서울대학교, 화학과
- 2008.09~현재: 서울시립대학교 생명과학과 조교수, 부교수, 교수
- 2020.09~현재: 서울시립대학교 융합응용화학과 겸임교수
- 2019.03~2021.02: 서울시립대학교 자연과학대학 부학장
- 2015.08~2016.08: 샌디에고 소재 캘리포니아 주립대학교 방문 연구원 (Visiting Scholar)
- 2012.09~2014.08: 서울시립대학교 생명과학과 학과장
- 2005.10~2008.08: 스탠포드 대학교 생물학과, 연구 조교 (Research Associate)
- 2001.10~2005.09: 스탠포드 대학교 생물학과, 박사후 연구원
- 1994.09~1995.08: 서울대학교 자연과학대학 조교 (Assistant Teacher)
- 1990.07~1991.01: 군복무, 제15전투비행단