조예진 Ye-Jin Cho
박사과정 2021.09~2024.02; 2024.03~현재
Research Topic
Effects of glycosylation on the synthesis, degradation, and function of lipocalin-2
Effects of glycosylation on the synthesis, degradation, and function of lipocalin-2
E-mail : fifi1022@naver.com

김택영 Taek-Yeong Kim
석사급연구원 2023.03~2025.02; 2025.03~현재
Research Topic
Determination of the function of signal peptide in lipocalin-2 and its applications
Determination of the function of signal peptide in lipocalin-2 and its applications
E-mail : mks5618@uos.ac.kr

윤세기 Se-Kee Yoon
석사과정 2024.09~현재
Research Topic
Investigation of the molecular mechanisms of lipocalin-2-induced neurotoxicity
Investigation of the molecular mechanisms of lipocalin-2-induced neurotoxicity
E-mail : skyoon0915@naver.com

안유정 Yujeong An
석사과정 2025.03~현재
Research Topic
Functional role of signal peptide in cytokines released from reactive astrocytes
Functional role of signal peptide in cytokines released from reactive astrocytes
E-mail : yoojeongan13@naver.com

안서현 Seohyeon An
석사과정 2025.03~현재
Research Topic
Investigation of the role of SLC22A17 during lipoclin-2-induced neuronal apoptosis
Investigation of the role of SLC22A17 during lipoclin-2-induced neuronal apoptosis
E-mail : seohyeon0247@naver.com