최정우 교수
서울시립대 자연과학대학 생명과학과
• Lab : 2-221
• Lab Tel : 02-6490-5627
• Office : 2-214
• Office Tel : 02-6490-2673
• E-mail : jchoe21@uos.ac.kr
Research Area
- 구조생물학(Structural biology)
Research Topics
Proteins involved in human innate immune responses and signaling.
- Toll-like receptors (TLRs)
- Adaptor proteins for TLR signaling (MyD88, TRAM, TIRAP, TRIF)
Mechanism of viral evasion of innate immune systems.
- Vaccinia virus A46
Bacterial proteins.
- Elongation factor P from Pseudomonas aeruginosa
- Pseudomonas aeruginosa PA2196, TetR family transcriptional repressor
- Bacillus subtilis HmoB, a heme oxygenase
Crystallization using gold nanoparticles by inducing crystal nucleation.
- Use of gold nano particles coated with NTA group for crystallization of his-tagged proteins.
- 1997.09 ~ 2003.02 박사: University of Washington, Biochemistry
- 학위논문: “Structural and biochemical studies of Trypanosomatid drug target proteins
- 1993.03 ~ 1996.08 석사: 서울대학교, 화학과
- 학위논문: “Crystal structure of maize PLTP with lipids”
- 1989.03 ~ 1993.02 학사: 서울대학교, 화학과
- 2006.03~현재: 서울시립대학교 생명과학과 조교수, 부교수, 정교수
- 2020.09~현재: 서울시립대학교 융합응용화학과 겸임교수
- 2003.03~2006.08: The Scripps Research Institute at San Diego, 박사 후 연구원