김완태 교수
서울시립대 생명과학
• Lab : 2-B132
• Lab Tel : 02-6490-2669
• Office : 2-212
• Office Tel : 02-6490-2676
• E-mail : wantaekim@uos.ac.kr
Research Area
- Signal transduction and cancer biology
- 2007.03 – 2011.08 Ph.D. Department of Life Science, University of Seoul, Korea
- 2005.03 – 2007.02 M.S. Department of Life Science, University of Seoul, Korea
- 1998.03 – 2005.02 B.S. Department of Life Science, University of Seoul, Korea
- 2024.03 – Present Assistant Professor Department of Life Science, University of Seoul, Seoul, Korea
- 2019.03 – 2024.02 Assistant Professor Department of Biochemistry, Chungnam National University, Daejeon, Korea
- 2017.09 – 2019.02 Researcher Rare Disease Research Center, KRIBB, Daejeon, Korea
- 2015.12 – 2017.08 Postdoctoral fellow Harvard School of Dental Medicine, Boston, USA
- 2012.08 – 2015.11 Postdoctoral fellow National Human Genome Research Institute, NIH, Bethesda, USA
- 2011.09 – 2012 Postdoctoral fellow (Advisor: Eek-hoon Jho) Department of Life Science, University of Seoul, Seoul, Korea