University of Seoul


Department of Life Science, UOS
Professor / Ph.D.
Jung-Woo Choe Jung-Woo Choe
  • OFFICE 2-214 / +82-2-6490-2673
  • LAB 2-221 / +82-2-6490-5627
  • E-MAIL
  • RESEARCH human innate immune system protein structure, Mechanism of viral evasion of innate immune systems, Bacterial proteins
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Research introduction

In our research laboratory, we are utilizing X-ray crystallography to elucidate the three-dimensional structures of proteins. Using this technique, we aim to comprehend the enzymatic mechanisms, ligand recognition methods of receptor proteins, and the principles underlying the interactions of signaling proteins, from both physical and chemical perspectives. Our major research focus, we conduct structural determination and functional studies of proteins that play significant roles in the human innate immune system and bacterial proteins.


  • 2003 University of Washington, Ph.D. in Structural Biology
  • 1996 Seoul National University, M.S. in Chemistry
  • 1993 Seoul National University, B.S. in Chemistry


  • 2023.03 - current: Univerisy of Seoul, Department of Life Science, Professor
  • 2010.09 - 2015.08: Univerisy of Seoul, Department of Life Science, Associate Professor
  • 2006.08 - 2010.08: Univerisy of Seoul, Department of Life Science, Assistant Professor
  • 2003.03 - 2006.08 Scripps Research Institute, Post-doctoral Researcher


  1. [2022.07] Moon Y, Chae S, Yim S, Yang EG, Choe J, Hyun J, Chang R, Hwang D, Park H., Clioquinol as an inhibitor of JmjC-histone demethylase exhibits common and unique histone methylome and transcriptome between clioquinol and hypoxia, iScience
  2. [202110] Kim, D., Choi, S., Kim, H., Choe, J., Structural and Biochemical Studies of Bacillus subtilis MobB, Crystals
  3. [2020.01] Park, J., Kang, T.H., Choi, I., Choe, J., Induction of crystal nucleation by orientation-controlled binding of His6-tagged proteins to functionalized gold nanoparticles, CrystEngComm
  4. [2019.10] Moon, H., Shin, S., Choe, J., Crystal Structures of Putative Flavin Dependent Monooxygenase from Alicyclobacillus Acidocaldarius, Crystals
  5. [201705] Shin, S., Choe, J., Crystal structure of Pseudomonas aeruginosa N-acetyltransferase PA4534, Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications