University of Seoul


Department of Life Science, UOS
Professor / Ph.D.
Hyunsung Park Hyunsung Park
  • OFFICE 2-219 / +82-2-6490-5624
  • LAB 2-226 / +82-2-6490-2670
  • E-MAIL
  • RESEARCH Hypoxia, Gene expression, Epigenetics, Histone Methylation,
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Research introduction

Our lab investigates how hypoxia triggers gene expression, impacting metastasis, angiogenesis, senescence, cytoskeleton, and glycolysis. Diverse genes under hypoxia yield unique cell traits: hindered differentiation, reduced senescence, enhanced stemness, and resistance to anticancer therapy. Decades of research have unveiled these intricate mechanisms. Our research topics are followings
(1) Hypoxia, Cellular Senescence and Histone Demethylases
(2) Hypoxia, Adipogenesis, and Lipid Metabolism
(3) Inhibitors of Oxygen-Dependent Dioxygenases
(4) Signals Regulating HIF-1α and Oxygen-Dependent Dioxygenases


  • 1997 Stanford University, Ph.D. in Molecular Pharmacology
  • 1998 Seoul National University, M.S. in Pharmaceutics
  • 1986 Seoul National University, B.S. in Pharmaceutics


  • 2008.10 - current Univerisy of Seoul, Department of Life Science, Professor
  • 2004.12 - 2005.11 Univerisy of Seoul, Department of Life Science, Department Chair
  • 2003.10 - 2008.09 Univerisy of Seoul, Department of Life Science, Associate Professor
  • 1997.09 - 2003.09 Univerisy of Seoul, Department of Life Science, Assistent Professor
  • 1992.09 - 1997.06 Stanford Medical School, Department of Molecular Pharmacology, Research Assistant
  • 1989.01 - 1991.09 Texas A&M University, Department of Biochemistry and Biophysics, Teaching and Research Assistant


  1. [2022.07]  G-J. Lee*, YJ Kim*, B. Park*, S.Yim*, C. Park, H. Roh, Y. Moon, JK. Seong, H. Park (2022/04/27) YAP-dependent Wnt5a induction in hypertrophic adipocytes restrains adiposity. Cell Death & Disease 13(4) 407 (Co-corresponding author)
  2. [2021.10] HJ. An*, Y. Kim*, S. Chang*, H. Kim, J. Song, H. Park, and I. Choi(2021.10) High-Spatial and Colourimetric Imaging of Histone Modifications in Single Senescent Cells Using Plasmonic Nanoprobes. Nature Communications 12(1) 5899 (Co-corresponding author)
  3. [2019.10] B Park, S Chang, G-J. Lee, B. Kang, JK. Kim and H. Park (2019) Wnt3a disrupts GR-TEAD4-PPARγ2 positive circuits and cytoskeletal rearrangement in a β-catenin-dependent manner during early adipogenesis. Cell Death and Dis. 10(1), 16-27
  4. [2017.11] S. Lee, J. Lee, S. Chae, Y. Moon, H-Y. Lee, B. Park, EG. Yang, D. Hwang, and H. Park (2017) Multi-dimensional histone methylations for coordinated regulation of gene expression under hypoxia. Nucleic Acids Res. 45 (20), 11643-11657 (Co-corresponding author)
  5. [2008.11] SM. Choi, H-J. Cho, H. Cho, KH. Kim, JB. Kim and H. Park. (2008) Stra13/DEC1 and DEC2 Inhibit Sterol Regulatory Element Binding Protein-1c In a Hypoxia-Inducible Factor-Dependent Mechanism. Nucleic Acids Res 36(20) 6372-6385