연구재단 (과학기술정보통신부)
중견연구자지원사업 / 연구책임
2020-03-01 ~ 2023-02-28
빛 또는 열에 감응하는 하이브리드 플라즈몬 소재의 초간단 제조 및 고감도 나노광학센서와 약물 전달시스템에 응용
대표 성과물
7. Colloidal Multiscale Assembly via Photothermally-driven Convective Flow for Sensitive In-solution Plasmonic Detections
Junhee Park, Seungki Lee, Hyunjoo Lee, Seungyeon Han, Tae Ho Kang, Dongchoul Kim, Taewook Kang, Inhee Choi
IF: 15.153
6. Extra-and Intracellular Monitoring of TGF-β Using Single Immunoplasmonic Nanoprobes
Junhee Park, Seungki Lee, Jinhee Choi, Inhee Choi
*Selected as a Cover
5. High-Spatial and Colourimetric Imaging of Histone Modifications in Single Senescent Cells Using Plasmonic Nanoprobes
Hyun Ji An, Yun Kim, Soojeong Chang, Hakchun Kim, Jihwan Song, Hyunsung Park, Inhee Choi
IF: 17.694
4. Optical Detection of Copper Ions via Structural Dissociation of Plasmonic Sugar Nanoprobes
Jieun You, Seungki Lee, Hyun Jin Tark, Min Jeong Nang, Ji Hyeon Oh, Inhee Choi
IF: 8.008
3. Quantum Electrodynamic Behavior of Chlorophyll in Plasmonic Nanocavity
Egor Kokin, Hyun Ji An, Donghoon Koo, Seungyeon Han, Keumrai Whang, Taewook Kang, Inhee Choi, Luke P. Lee
IF: 12.262
2. Sensitive and Homogenous Surface-Enhanced Raman Scattering Detection Using Heterometallic Interfaces on Metal-Organic Framework-Derived Structure
Jae Yeon Lee, Seungki Lee, Donghun Shin, Jung Tae Park, Inhee Choi
IF: 6.389
*Selected as a Cover
1. Ultrasensitive and Real-time Optical Detection of Cellular Oxidative Stress Using Graphene-covered Tunable Plasmonic Interfaces
Hakchun Kim, Hyun Ji An, Junhee Park, Yohan Lee, Min Seob Kim, Seungki Lee, Nam Dong Kim, Jihwan Song, Inhee Choi
IF: 10.038
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10-2022-0163482, 대한민국, 2022-11-29
플라즈모닉 당 나노프로브, 이의 제작 및 이를 이용한 구리 이온의 광학 검출
10-2622202, 대한민국, 2024-01-03