김학춘 Hakchun Kim
석·박사 통합과정 (2020.03~)
Research Topic
Real‑time Optical Detection and Monitoring of Cellular Behaviors Using Plasmonic Nanoprobes
Real‑time Optical Detection and Monitoring of Cellular Behaviors Using Plasmonic Nanoprobes
E-mail : hckim3465@naver.com

김시윤 Siyun Kim
석사과정 (2024.02~)
Research Topic
Dual-functional Plasmonic Hybrid Nanogels for Drug Delivery and Molecular Sensing
Dual-functional Plasmonic Hybrid Nanogels for Drug Delivery and Molecular Sensing
E-mail : sy010304@uos.ac.kr

조평길 Pyeonggil Jo
석사과정 (2025.01~)
E-mail : chopk7@uos.ac.kr

최은아 Euna Choi
석사과정 (2025.01~)
E-mail : dpepsdmsdk@uos.ac.kr

이시율 Siyul Lee
석사과정 (2025.03~)
E-mail : won2921@gmail.com

김도윤 Doyun Kim
석사과정 (2025.03~)
E-mail : ehdbs324@uos.ac.kr

이예은 Yeeun Lee
학부인턴 (2024.03~)
E-mail : leeyeeun21@uos.ac.kr

현예림 Yelim Hyun
학부인턴 (2024.07~)
E-mail : bn515@naver.com

최서윤 Seoyoon Choi
학부인턴 (2025.01~)
E-mail : seoyoon8108@gmail.com

배주윤 Jooyun Bae
학부인턴 (2024.07~2024.08)
E-mail : ship0519@naver.com