University of Seoul


Department of Life Science, UOS
Professor / Ph.D.
Inhee Choi Inhee Choi
  • OFFICE 2-216 / +82-2-6490-2675
  • LAB 2-224 / +82-2-6490-5619
  • E-MAIL
  • RESEARCH Nanobiotechnology, Biosensors, Bioimaging, Drug delivery
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Research introduction

[Development of New emerging technologies Bridging the Nanoscience to Bioscience]
We are pursuing to develop new emerging technologies bridging the Nanoscience to Bioscience.
In our lab, notable approaches for fabricating new types of functional nanomaterials and their versatile applications to biological sensing, imaging, and molecular delivery would be conducted.
(1) First, we aim to develop simple and robust fabrication strategies of functional nanostructures, which can be easily followed by non-expert researchers, and demonstrate their versatile applications to optical signal enhancements for early diagnosis of diseases and ubiquitous biological monitoring.
(2) Second, we aim to explore cellular behaviors from signal cellular levels to multicellular organ levels through the functional nanoprobes with high-sensitivity and high-spatial resolution for revealing the biological mechanisms.
(3) Lastly, we aim to deliver biologics (ex., drugs, genes, and etc.) in controlled and targeted manners using functional nanocarriers with biocompatibility, biodegradability, stimuli-responsivity, and target-selectivity for precision and personalized medicine.


  • 2009 Seoul National University, Ph.D. in Chemical and Biological Engineering
  • 2005 Seoul National University, M.S. in Chemical and Biological Engineering
  • 2003 Yonsei University, B.S. in Chemical Engineering


  • 2023.03 - current: Univerisy of Seoul, Department of Life Science, Professor
  • 2018.03 - 2023.02: Univerisy of Seoul, Department of Life Science, Associate Professor
  • 2014.03 - 2018.02: Univerisy of Seoul, Department of Life Science, Assistant Professor
  • 2011.03 - 2014. 02: University of California at Berkeley, Bioengineering, Post-doctoral Researcher
  • 2009.10 - 2011.02: Cornell University, Mechanical engineering, Post-doctoral Researcher
  • 2009.03 – 2009.08: BK21 in Chemical Engineering, Post-doctoral Researcher


  1. [2023.08] S. Eom, S. Y. Lee, J. T. Park*, and I. Choi*, Alveoli-like Multifunctional Scaffolds for Optical and Electrochemical in-situ Monitoring of Cellular Responses from Type Ⅱ Pneumocytes, Advanced Science, in press. *Selected as a Cover
  2. [2023.08] I. Kim, H. Kim, S. Han, J. Kim, Y. Kim, S. Eom, A. Barulin, I. Choi*, J. Rho* and L. P. Lee*, Metasurfaces-driven hyperspectral imaging via multiplexed plasmonic resonance energy transfer, Advanced Materials, 35(32), 2300229, 2023. *Selected as a Cover
  3. [2022.05] J. Park, S. Lee, H. Lee, S. Han, T. H. Kang, D. Kim*, T. Kang*, and I. Choi*, Colloidal Multiscale Assembly via Photothermally-driven Convective Flow for Sensitive In-solution Plasmonic Detections, Small, 18(24), 2201075, 2022.
  4. [2021.10] H. J. An, Y. Kim, S. Chang, H. Kim, J. Song*, H. Park*, and I. Choi*, High-Spatial and Colourimetric Imaging of Histone Modifications in Single Senescent Cells Using Plasmonic Nanoprobes, Nature Communications, 12, 5899, 2021.
  5. [2018.10] C. M. Jin, W. Lee, D. Kim*, T. Kang*, and I. Choi*, Photothermal Convection Lithography for Rapid and Direct Assembly of Colloidal Plasmonic Nanoparticles on Generic Substrates, Small, 14 (45), 1803055, 2018. *Selected as a Cover