[Regular Seminars] 2024학년도 1학기 생명과학과 4차 세미나
- -Speaker : 김정진 박사 (KIST 뇌과학연구소)
- -Topic : Corticothalamic circuit regulates innate response conflict
- -Date : 2024.04.15 (월) 10:30 ~
- -Location : 시대융합관-B121호
Attach (2)
- Abstract_KIST김정진.docx (14.9 KB)
- CV_Jeongjin_Kim.pdf (791.3 KB)
Animals must simultaneously select and balance multiple action contingencies in ambiguous situations, for instance, evading danger during feeding. This has rarely been examined in the context of information selection; despite cortico-thalamic pathways that mediate sensory attention being relatively well-characterized, neural mechanisms filtering conflicting actions remain unclear. Here, we develop a new loom/feed test to observe conflict between naturally induced fear and feeding, and identify a novel anterior cingulate cortex (ACC) output to ventral anterior and ventral lateral thalamus (VA/VL) adjusting selectivity between these innate actions. Using micro-endoscopy and fiber-photometry, we reveal that activity in corticofugal outputs was lowered during unbalanced/singularly-occupied periods, as were resulting decreased thalamic initiation-related signals for less favored actions, suggesting integration of ACC-thalamic firing may directly regulate output of behavior choices. Accordingly, optoinhibition of ACC-VA/VL connections induced high bias toward feeding at the expense of defense. To identify upstream ‘commander’ cortical cells gating this output, we developed DOT-TRAP - a scheme combining multisynaptic tracing with transcriptome analysis- and found a novel population of neurotensin-positive interneurons (ACCNts). Photoexcitation of ACCNts cells indeed caused similarly hyper-selective behaviors. Collectively, this new ‘corticofugal action filter’ scheme suggests that communication in multi-step cingulate circuits may critically influence the summation of motor signals in thalamic outputs, regulating bias between innate action types.
Attach (2)
- Abstract_KIST김정진.docx (14.9 KB)
- CV_Jeongjin_Kim.pdf (791.3 KB)