Research Project

이공분야기초연구사업 > 중견연구자지원사업 > (유형2)중견연구 / 연구책임
2020-03-01 ~ 2023-02-28
Wnt와 Hippo 신호전달의 재해석

대표 성과물

8. Hypermethylation of Mest promoter causes aberrant Wnt signaling in the patients of Alzheimer’s disease.
Prasad R, Jung W, Tan A, Song Y, Moon S, Shaker MR, Sun W, Lee J, Ryu H, Lim HK, and Jho EH.
Scientific Rep. , 2021 , 11(1);20075
7. LDL receptor-related protein LRP6 senses the level of nutrient and regulates Hippo signaling.
Jeong W, Kim S, Lee U, Zhong ZA, Savitsky M, Kwon H, Kim J, Lee T, Cho JW, Williams BO, Katanaev VL, Jho EH.
 EMBO Reports , 2020 , 21(9);e50103
6. MAML1/2 promote YAP/TAZ nuclear localization to enhance tumorigenesis.
Kim J, Kwon H, Shin YK, Song G, Lee T, Kim Y, Jeong W, Lee U, Zhang X, Nam G, Jeung HC, Kim W*, Jho EH*.
Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. , 2020 , 117(24):13529-13540.
5. PARsylated transcription factor EB (TFEB) regulates the expression of a subset of Wnt target genes by forming a complex with β-catenin-TCF/LEF1.
Kim S, Song G, Lee T, Kim M, Kwon H, Kim J, Jeong W, Lee U, Na C, Kang S, Kim W, Seong J, and Jho EH.
Cell Death Differ. , 2021 , 28(9);2555-2570
4. Past, Present, and Future Perspectives of Transcription Factor EB (TFEB): Mechanisms of regulation and association with disease.
Tan A*, Prasad R*, Lee C, and Jho EH.
Cell Death Differ. , 2022 , 29(8);14331449
3. Regulation of the low-density lipoprotein receptor-related protein LRP6 and its association with disease: Wnt/β-catenin signaling and beyond.
Jeong W, Jho EH.
Front. Cell Dev. Biol. , 2021 , 9;714330
2. Role of the Hippo pathway and mechanisms for controlling cellular localization of YAP/TAZ.
Kwon H, Kim J, Jho EH.
FEBS J.  , 2021 , 289(19);5798-5818
1. TFEB Regulates Pluripotency Transcriptional Network in Mouse Embryonic Stem Cells Independent of Autophagy-lysosomal Biogenesis.
Tan A, Prasad R and Jho EH.
Cell Death Dis. , 2021 , 12(4);343