Research Project

이공분야기초연구사업 > 전략공모 > 전략과제 > 전략과제 / 연구책임
2016-12-01 ~ 2019-11-30
생체방어와 역분화 유도 과정에서 TFEB의 역할연구

대표 성과물

9. Complementary Wnt Sources Regulate Lymphatic Vascular Development via PROX1-Dependent Wnt/β-Catenin Signaling.
Cha B, Geng X, Mahamud MR, Zhang JY, Chen L, Kim W, Jho EH, Kim Y, Choi D, Dixon JB, Chen H, Hong YK, Olson L, Kim TH, Merrill BJ, Davis MJ, Srinivasan RS.
Cell Rep. , 2018 , 25(3):571-584.
8. Deubiquitinase YOD1 potentiates YAP/TAZ activities through enhancing ITCH stability.
Kim Y, Kim W, Song Y, Kim JR, Cho K, Moon H, Ro SW, Seo E, Ryu YM, Myung SJ, Jho EH.
Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. , 2017 , 114:4691-4696.
7. Deubiquitinase YOD1: the potent activator of YAP in hepatomegaly and liver cancer.
Kim Y, Jho EH
BMB Reports  , 2017 , 50(6):281-282
6. Dual role of YAP: oncoprotein and tumor suppressor.
Jho EH. 
J.Thoracic Dis. , 2018 , 10, S3895-S3898.
5. Enhancement of neuronal differentiation by using small molecules modulating Nodal/Smad, Wnt/β-catenin, and FGF signaling.
Song Y, Lee S, Jho EH.
BBRC , 2018 , 503(1):352-358
4. Interaction of Tankyrase and Peroxiredoxin II is Indispensable for the Survival of Colorectal Cancer Cells. 
Kang DH, Lee DJ, Lee S, Lee SY, Jun Y, Kim Y, Kim Y, Lee JS, Lee DK, Lee S, Jho EH, Yu DY, Kang SW.
Nat Comm. , 2017 , 8(1):40
3. MAML1/2 promote YAP/TAZ nuclear localization to enhance tumorigenesis.
Kim J, Kwon H, Shin YK, Song G, Lee T, Kim Y, Jeong W, Lee U, Zhang X, Nam G, Jeung HC, Kim W*, Jho EH*.
Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. , 2020 , 117(24):13529-13540.
2. Regulation of the Hippo Signaling Pathway by Ubiquitin Modification.
Kim Y, Jho EH.
BMB Rep. , 2018 , 51(3):143-150
1. The history and regulatory mechanism of the Hippo pathway. 
Kim W, Jho EH.
BMB Rep. , 2018 , 51(3):106-118.